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How many questions are on the IDEX California®?

There are 150 questions and 2 exams.  Each exam has a blend of some identical questions and some unique questions.  The Original IDEX CA Prep Class© covers the content of both exams.

How many questions are on the IDEX California®?2018-09-09T21:19:48+00:00

When and where is the IDEX California® offered?

The IDEX California® is conducted at testing centers across California.  It is offered throughout the months of May and October.  Application and scheduling for the IDEX California® is available through the California Council for Interior Design Certification (CCIDC) at (888) 278-6337 or

When and where is the IDEX California® offered?2018-09-09T21:18:32+00:00

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